Skyrim main quest mod
Skyrim main quest mod

skyrim main quest mod

  • Dragonslayer: Put an end to the World-Eater.It's kind of similar to "Thieves Guild Requirements", which is currently a STEP Extended mod.
  • Sovngarde: Seek out Alduin within Sovngarde.
  • The World-Eater's Eyrie: Battle through Skuldafn Temple to reach Alduin's portal to Sovngarde.
  • (optional) Paarthurnax: Deal with a potential threat.
  • (optional) Season Unending: Enforce a ceasefire to secure Dragonsreach.
  • The Fallen: Capture and interrogate an ally of Alduin.
  • Alduin's Bane: Exploit the Time-Wound to learn Dragonrend and defeat Alduin at the Throat of the World.
  • Elder Knowledge: Recover an Elder Scroll to learn an Ancient Secret.
  • The Throat of the World: Receive a lesson from Paarthurnax.
  • Alduin's Wall: Locate the prophecy within Sky Haven Temple.
  • (optional) Find the Thalmor Assassin: The Thalmor are after Malborn.
  • Diplomatic Immunity: Infiltrate a party at the Thalmor Embassy.
  • A Blade in the Dark: Prove you are Dragonborn to Delphine by slaying the dragon Sahloknir.
  • The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller: Retrieve a Greybeard artifact from Ustengrav.
  • The Way of the Voice: Meet the Greybeards.
  • Dragon Rising: Investigate a dragon sighting near Whiterun.
  • Bleak Falls Barrow: Retrieve the Dragonstone.
  • Before the Storm: Inform the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon attack on Helgen.
  • skyrim main quest mod

  • Unbound: Escape Imperial custody and a dragon attack.
  • Quests belonging to the main quest line are marked by a dragon head symbol, which is shown above. Eight achievements (170 points 7 Bronze and 1 Gold) are directly tied to completing the quest line in addition, several Dragon Shout-related achievements are inevitably unlocked during the quests. Completing the main quest will take approximately 15-30 hours depending on your character's level.

    skyrim main quest mod

    During these quests you discover your heritage as the Dovahkiin, learn why dragons have returned to the world, and find a way to respond to the dragon threat. Skyrim's main quest line consists of seventeen required quests and three optional quests.

    Skyrim main quest mod